Generative AI for Efficient Document Review in High-Stakes Litigation

A Fortune 500 food company found itself in a complex legal battle involving a vendor’s software. As new counsel came on board, they faced a massive document review challenge: approximately 230,000 legacy documents needed evaluation, and the team also had to address 55 new Requests for Production (RFPs).

When done correctly, service and expertise are synonymous.

In today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving environment, what is frequently regarded as expertise often reflects only a foundational level of knowledge, while service is commonly equated with mere responsiveness. At Intrepid, we recognize that both expertise and service embody more significant principles.

SaBa 2024. How great was that?

Nothing but positives to say about this year’s event. What a blast. What a great group. Can’t wait for the next one.

The legal implications of spatial computing in the office

In this fascinating CLE, we examine the data privacy risks associated with spatial computing (like Apple Vision Pro), including the capture of user actions and the utilization of biometric markers and other sensitive personally identifiable information (PII).

AI Vision Workflow.

Introducing Ai Vision -
A trademark litigation and image identification workflow.